数字式卧式叶轮阀灌装机9300型设计用于包装多种具有流体状流动特性的轻堆积密度粉末。它有一个专门的水平旋转叶片进料器(叶轮),在灌装过程中,当物料通过机器时,不会产生气泡。该设计的特点是带有水平旋转叶片的垂直旋转轴,当材料进入和通过机器时,叶片对材料产生积极的拉力。Digital horizontal impeller valve filling machineThe Model 9300 is
数字式卧式叶轮阀灌装机9300型设计用于包装多种具有流体状流动特性的轻堆积密度粉末。它有一个专门的水平旋转叶片进料器(叶轮),在灌装过程中,当物料通过机器时,不会产生气泡。该设计的特点是带有水平旋转叶片的垂直旋转轴,当材料进入和通过机器时,叶片对材料产生积极的拉力。Digital horizontal impeller valve filling machineThe Model 9300 is
Digital horizontal impeller valve filling machine
The Model 9300 is designed to pack a wide range of light bulk density powders with fluid-like flow characteristics. It has a special horizontally rotating blade feeder (impeller), which does not produce bubbles when the material passes through the machine during the filling process. The design features a vertical rotation axis with horizontally rotating blades that exert an active pull on the material as it enters and passes through the machine.